คอร์ดเพลง เนื้อเพลง
Album Release
2021. 11. 11 6PM (KST)
01. Alive
먼 곳으로 항해하는 배가 풍파를 만나지 않고 조용히만 갈 수는 없다. 풍파는 언제나 전진하는 자의 벗이다.
차라리 고난 속에 인생의 기쁨이 있다. 풍파 없는 항해, 얼마나 단조로운가.
고난이 심할수록 내 가슴은 뛴다. -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche-
A ship sailing far away cannot go quietly without encountering wind waves.
Wind waves are always the friends of the advancing ones.
There is rather life’s joy in hardship. What a monotonous voyage without a wind wave!
The more hardships I suffer, the more my heart beats. -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche-
06. Flame
타오르는 마음의 불길
A song like the fire that burns in our hearts.
#BI #비아이 #COSMOS #HALFALBUM #Alive #Flame
#IOKmusic #131LABEL #131media
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B.I 비아이 – KEEP THE FIRE ALIVE (COSMOS Message Film #1) คอร์ดเพลง เนื้อเพลง
คอร์ดเพลง รวมคอร์ดกีต้าร์ เนื้อเพลงคาราโอเกะ karaoke เพลงใหม่ เพลงสากล เพลงสตริง
#비아이 #FIRE #ALIVE #COSMOS #Message #Film